A note about comments: Use the word in a sentence. Gold stars will be given...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

nanersuit (nah - ner - soot)

n. A banana suit for weiner dogs.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wooggilly Stick

n. The stick, line or anything else used to express the place that is not allowed to be crossed during the wooggilly (see "wooggilly").

wooggilly (woo - guh - lee)

n. The throwing of the palerno,or jack, at the start of a round of Bocce Ball (lawn bowling). See "Wooggilly Stick".

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Who Said That?

"the botox kicked her ass"

brain shart (brane shart)

n. The process in which someone tries to say something intelligible, but just totally misses the damn point of the conversation. Or even worse, barely speaks comprehensible English at all and does not realize it. Frequently performed by amateur bull-shitters who believe that they always have to have something to say even though they have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

excellivious (ex' - cell - e' - ve - iss)

adj. To be in a state of excellence whilst being deliciously devious.

flabberblast (flab' - er - blast)

tr v. To be dumb stricken by means of consuming waaaaay too much alcohol.

n. Liposuction by means of controlled explosives. Usually done too the unwilling in wartime.

Monday, May 7, 2007

wet billy

n. The process of sticking a finger up your nose, then placing the product into someone else's ear. Even more gross then a "Wet Willy". Ewwwww.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Fliffy (flih-fee)

adj. An object or being possessing the quality of splayed and uneasy limpness that would suggest systemic daintiness, requiring frequent mild reassurance of its charming personality and suitability for gatherings. flif·fy·ing, fliff·ing.

1. I can't buy this tree, it's leaves are too Fliffy to be near my posies.

2. Oh, look at Winston with his manly posies! I've think you're a bit Fliffy.

3. Well look at it! Its Fliffying about can hardly hold itself together in a slight breeze. Besides Margaret, you never make love to me any more.

4. Well that'd be nice if you didn't spend all your time tending to your posies and hanging out at the pub with those buggering Posie Enthusiasts, then coming home only to find you Fliffing in the kitchen. Which reminds me, while we're here we need to pick up some margarine.

Friday, May 4, 2007

awesomulous (aw - sum' - you - lis)

adj. The state of being ridiculously awesome. adv. - awe·som·u·lous·ly

crayony (cray' - yon - ee)

adj. The distinct smell of crayons.

billuonicul (bil' - you - on - ah - cul)

n. Used to describe any situation when attempting to pay the bill at a restaurant becomes awkward.

Some common billuoniculs
- When a medium or large sized group of people all put in their cash and it comes up 5 to 10 dollars too short.

- When someone wants to split the bill even when some people got appetizers and/or expensive drinks.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

vagiant (vah'- gi - ant)

n. Think of the biggest twat you ever met.

cheesebutt (cheez' but)

n. A butt made of cheese.

buttcheese (but' - cheez)

n. A person resembling, literally or figuratively, the cheese produced by a butt or the stench eminating from it. Not to be confused with a cheesebutt.
v. butt·chees·ing The act of spreading cheese (with a cheese spreader) on one's anus and/or posterior.

nps (nerdery per sentence)

The ratio of words that are associated with nerdery to all the words in a sentence. Ludicrously high for those who talk about MMORPGS, string theory, computers or obscure sci-fi novels in open conversation.


A normal sentence
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. nps: 0.0

A typical post on slashdot.com
I recompiled my linux kernel while reading about Steve Jobs and playing WoW when farming gold. nps ~0.5

yesternight (yes' - ter - nite)

n. Referring to only the evening of the previous day.

buttmunch (but' - munch)

adj. Of or pertaining to someone who is a general pain the buttocks. Generally used by those of the middle school affiliation and those who want to confuse their victims of verbal abuse [not unlike the shin-kick-and-run technique].

excellicious (ex '- cell - lish' - iss)

adj. To be in a state of excellence whilst being delicious.

blooferated (bloof' - er - aye- ted)

adj. 1. To be silly or doofy in the head. 2. To be discombobulated and then blow up.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

asstard (ass' - tard)

n. Of pertaining to those who posses qualities of being an ass and a retard. Commonly applicable to Virginia drivers.

seduct (sah - duct')

tr.v. se·duct·ed, se·duct·ing, se·ducts The act of attempting to seduce someone via force or kidnapping. Frequently practiced by crazy stalker people seen in movies.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

cheesepeak (cheez' - peek)

n. Reaching the point of too much freakin' cheese.

swoof (swoof)

n. The sound effect heard when someone swoons.

pleap (pleep)

n., pl pleaps The webbing between the opposable thumb and forefinger on a human.

roofie (roo' - fee)

n., pl roof·ies Any party that takes place on in, on or around a roof.

poopbag (poop' - bag)

n. A bag of poop. Can be used to describe someone who is completely full of shit.

whorific (hor - riff' - ick)

adj. Possessing scary, whore-like qualities.

delivious (dell - lee' - vee - us)

adj. Deliciously devious or deceitful. Example: smothering vegetables in butter and salt.

hilaristical (hill - air - iss' - ti - kal)

adj. Of or pertaining to something or someone that is both hilarious and hysterical.