A note about comments: Use the word in a sentence. Gold stars will be given...

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Fliffy (flih-fee)

adj. An object or being possessing the quality of splayed and uneasy limpness that would suggest systemic daintiness, requiring frequent mild reassurance of its charming personality and suitability for gatherings. flif·fy·ing, fliff·ing.

1. I can't buy this tree, it's leaves are too Fliffy to be near my posies.

2. Oh, look at Winston with his manly posies! I've think you're a bit Fliffy.

3. Well look at it! Its Fliffying about can hardly hold itself together in a slight breeze. Besides Margaret, you never make love to me any more.

4. Well that'd be nice if you didn't spend all your time tending to your posies and hanging out at the pub with those buggering Posie Enthusiasts, then coming home only to find you Fliffing in the kitchen. Which reminds me, while we're here we need to pick up some margarine.

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